Maple oat hobnobs

DJM Foods

The perfect lunchtime snack

This sweet treat is perfect for children and adults and also great for beating the lunchtime munchies!

DJM Foods


Around 20 biscuits

DJM Foods

Prep time

10 mins

DJM Foods

Cook time

15 mins

DJM Foods

Suitable for

Vegetarians and vegans



500g self-raising flour

500g oats

500g sugar

500g butter (or butter substitute)

2 tbsp St. Lawrence Gold maple syrup

2 tbsp hot water

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda



Preheat the oven to 180°C |Gas Mark 4 | Fan Oven 160°C. Line a baking tray with baking parchment.


Mix the flour, oats and sugar together.


Melt the butter, St. Lawrence Gold maple syrup and water together in a pan over a low heat.


Add the bicarbonate of soda to the melted butter mixture, then stir in the flour, oats and sugar.


Mix together, then tip the mixture out onto a work surface. Press flat with your hands or use a rolling pin and a little flour for dusting, until it is approximately 1cm (1⁄2in) thick.


Using a round cutter, cut out the biscuits and place them on the baking tray. Bake for 15 minutes until golden.

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